How Salaries In Europe Compare

TopLanguageJobs, Europe’s Number 1 Specialist Provider of bilingual jobs and multilingual job vacancies studies salaries across Europe and is surprised by results.

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Aytac Irfan of TopLanguageJobs commented: “Even with the single currency, some countries average is lower than the minimum wage of another.”

Serbians average salary is lower than that of the minimum wage of Croatia . With an average pay of 353 Euros, Serbians earn 32 less than that of the minimum pay of Croatians.

Germans still pay the most social security per employee and company with averages of around 12% of total earnings for both. Slovakia pays the least with totals around 2% of overall earnings.

French employers make the most social security contributions paying out a whopping 17% across the board.

Poor Greece has seen a fall of around 10% in change in earnings since the effects of the last recession and bankruptcy. Portugal on the other hand has seen a rise in change of earnings of 2% even with the bailout of 2011 by the EMU.

Across the globe Soccer stars continue to earn more with an average increase of 12% this year.

Via EPR Network
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